Our Strategies

Our Strategies are:
1) To teach and train people in God’s word so that they will make other disciples that will become “Living Water” in the lives of others.
2) Evangelism in our community: impact people with the message/gospel that Jesus is the answer.
3) To establish children and youth clubs.
4) Improve ladies federation activities.
5) To produce audio and visual CD’s in order to reach all the nations with the Gospel.
6) To hold classes for English as a Second Language to new comers.
7) To help children from our community with their school assignments.
8) To promote and encourage co-operation with other similar organizations.
9) To help members successfully establish themselves in their new neighborhood: through actions of love, compassion, and sincere service, to reach the balance between people’s spiritual and physical well-being.
10) To support newly arriving Refugees and Immigrants from overseas find jobs, enroll their children in schools, housing, hospitals, and ride to and fro different public areas like food stores and so on.
11) Mentoring for newly arriving Refugees and immigrants from overseas: Understand how different equipment and appliances work: stove, refrigerators, mowers, etc.…
12) Preparing for American workplace because structure of work in the USA confuses many newly-arriving African people. So they need to be helped to become more comfortable with the American concept of work; understand our culture and work in America; understanding paychecks and insurance, and networking and resources
13) To teach basic computer skills to members of our community and other interested people.
14) To help members of our community get driving instruction permits, provide safe driving education, and then acquire their driving licenses.
15) Help members of our community through the process of becoming US permanent residents and US citizens.
16) To serve in various capacities, comforting Refugees and Immigrants from overseas, caring for those in need and providing valued insight and leadership.

Living Water EFC is the first point of contact in Des Moines for many refugees from the Democratic Republic of Congo and for other immigrants from diverse African nations. Partners are needed! Come and join this new Church! Join us as a member of the core group. If you are a potential church leader, you are welcome. Also, pray fervently for all the needs we have. These needs include human and financial resources that relate to this church ministries and services.

May God richly bless you all.